Having trouble opening a secure message?

A step-by-step guide on opening your secure message

From the email you've received, click on the 'Read my message' button:

To keep things secure, we'll send you a 6 digit code you'll use to open your message. Click on the 'Verify email' to get started:

You'll be taken to a new screen to enter the code, but before we can enter it, we need to get it from the email we sent to you. To do this, you need to return to your email inbox. This will be on another tab in your web browser - click through the tabs at the top to find it:

Once you've returned to your inbox, wait for a new email to arrive called 'Your secure email verification code'. Usually it comes within a few seconds, but sometimes it can take a bit longer:

Once it arrives, click on it to open it and make a note of the 6 digit number (yours will be different to the one shown below):

You now need to return to the earlier tab to enter the code. Look for the 'Read Message' tab at the top, and click on it:

Enter the 6 digit code from the previous step and click on 'Verify code':

And you're through to your message!