1. Knowledge base
  2. Unipass Identity and Mailock

I have more than one Unipass Identity, how do I switch between them?

If you're using a Windows PC, have more than one Unipass Identity and use those for different email addresses on different Mailock accounts, you'll need to switch between the IDs to sign in to the applicable account to send and open secure emails.


Listed below are the steps to clear the certificate cache, which will clear just the certificate memory and will force the certificate box to display to enable you to switch between the certificates you have:


If you're sending/receiving emails via the Mailock web, close all your web browser tabs first.


Within the Windows search bar enter 'Internet Options', as shown below:




You'll then see the Internet Properties screen displayed:




Select the 'Content' tab:




Select 'Clear SSL state' and you should see the following successful message:




Select 'OK' and 'OK' again on the Internet Properties screen.


Depending how you're signing into Mailock, please follow the applicable option below.


Mailock Outlook add-In


On signing back into the add-in you should then be greeted with the certificate prompt box to choose the relevant certificate for the required email, as shown in our example below:




Mailock web


On signing back in via the Mailock web, you should now see a screen like the one below, select the applicable certificate for the required email:




If you need to switch Unipass IDs again, simply sign out and run through the steps above and select the other certificate you need.