Beyond Encryption Announces Free Secure Email for All
2 min

Beyond Encryption Announces Free Secure Email for All

Beyond Encryption, provider of secure digital tech for the financial industry and other aligning markets, has announced that it will offer a free version of Mailock, its email encryption solution.

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Beyond Encryption already provides secure comms to major household brands such as Aegon, HSBC and Royal London.

Partnered with Origo, a leading FinTech dedicated to improving the operational efficiency of the UK’s financial services, and Paragon Customer Communications (PCC), one of Europe’s largest providers of print, pack, and post fulfilment, Beyond Encryption is working to protect sensitive data through their software solution, Mailock.

Mailock provides encrypted and authenticated comms to organisations, ensuring that personal data is protected while interacting with their clients.

While Mailock already offers free read and reply to end-users, the new free version will offer users 5 secure messages a month to send messages and attachments to providers, advisers or consumers without relying on them to send a message first.

Mailock Free will secure messages with the same military-grade encryption offered to current premium licence holders, along with enabling senders to integrate Mailock with Microsoft Outlook and identify their intended recipient using a Question & Answer authentication method.

For those wanting to send more than 5 secure emails a month and unlock additional features such as sender company branding, SMS recipient authentication, email recall, trigger words and more, there will be an option to upgrade.

Beyond Encryption has made the decision to offer a free version of its Mailock solution to support rising industry concerns over the security of customer data.

With a worldwide increase in digital activity leading to exponential growth in cybercrime, businesses across all sectors are realising the need to protect both their and their customers' information while interacting online.

Paul Holland, CEO and Founder of Beyond Encryption, said:

“Our goal is to make digital security accessible and affordable for all. We realised we weren’t fulfilling our responsibility as a cybersecurity company unless we gave consumers a way to securely send their documents to companies rather than just receiving them. Communication is a two-way street, and both ends need to be secure.”

Paul continued:

“No responsible organisation would want their customers to jeopardise the privacy of their information, but that is exactly what they are doing by allowing them to send confidential or personally identifiable data without any form of encryption or security. By extending Mailock to offer free secure email to all, we also extend our customers' duty of care, ensuring they align with ICO guidance and strengthening the secure network we are building across the market.”

Deliver sensitive information securely with Mailock

Reviewed By:

Sabrina McClune, 18.06.24

Sam Kendall, 18.06.24


Originally posted on 20 09 22
Last updated on July 4, 2024

Posted by: Sabrina McClune

Sabrina McClune, an expert researcher with an MA in Digital Marketing, was a finalist in the Women In Tech Awards 2022. She excels in conducting and compiling research for B2B tech companies. Sabrina enjoys reading fantasy novels and collecting special edition books.

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