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ICO researcher analysing data on computer in office
6 Min

Data Security: An Analysis of 2023 ICO Breach Reporting

The 2022 findings on data security incidents from the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) - common incident types, data...

UK Consumer Using Computer In Home Office
10 Min

Are UK Consumers Not Taking Email Security Seriously? (2023 Research)

This 2023 report analyses UK consumer email security awareness and practices. Are people ignoring the risks? Or are they simply...

Man discussing mental health with team mate over video call
10 Min

Fighting Fatigue: A Whitepaper On Cyber Risk And Wellbeing

Discover how remote working impacts employee wellbeing and the resulting effects on company...

Man sitting with laptop writing secure email
3 Min

Secure Email User Report 2021: How Are Customers Using Mailock?

We surveyed our users to gain insights on how they use secure email and the benefits they see. Gain...