How Fair Deal Mortgages Prioritises Client Safety in the 'New Normal'
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How Fair Deal Mortgages Prioritises Client Safety In The 'New Normal'

93% of businesses have had data breaches from outbound emails in the past year. For companies within the financial services industry, outbound email has proven to be one of the main mediums through which data breaches occur. Find out how Fair Deal Mortgages used Mailock to protect their outgoing email communications.

Who Are They?

Fair Deal Mortgages is a mortgage broker and protection business based in Edinburgh, helping their predominantly Scottish clients with mortgages, secured loans, and life insurance.

Operating since 1992, Fair Deal Mortgages has nearly 30 years of experience in the industry, offering their clients personalised recommendations and expert support to make sure the mortgage process is as painless as possible.

Compliance Amid The Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic saw a significant surge in digital communications, as everyone rushed to move their previously in-person services to online platforms.

With GDPR now more relevant than ever before and incidents of cybercrime increasing by the day, Fair Deal Mortgages realised it was time to step up their security.

"With the pandemic, so much of what we do is online now, which means clients are sending me passports, bill copies, bank statements, and driving licenses regularly. This is crucial information, and it’s important under GDPR that clients’ documents are safe and secure. I really wanted to find something that suited my business model. I had a look at Mailock, and it sounded good, so I’ve been using it ever since."

— Craig Esplin, Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Fair Deal Mortgages was introduced to Mailock through their network, The Right Mortgage. They immediately appreciated the functionalities that Mailock brought to the table, signing up in early 2021.

Secure, Client-Facing Communications

Securing their email communications was the main aim that Fair Deal Mortgages had when integrating Mailock into their business; a goal which has certainly been achieved.

financial adviser pointing at charts with client

Craig reveals that feedback regarding the solution has been incredibly positive, with clients finding it easy to open and respond to any secure messages sent their way.

"When I’m having discussions with clients and need to send them documentation, I’ll send them using an encrypted email. By using Mailock, they feel secure when sending sensitive documents with a lot of information, knowing that it’s important to make sure they don’t get into the wrong hands.

It would be difficult for someone to intercept the emails between me and the client. Even the FBI would struggle to get into it!"

— Craig Esplin, Mortgage & Protection Adviser

In fact, one of Fair Deal Mortgages' IT-security-based clients is reported to be ‘pleased and impressed’ that the firm is using Mailock to communicate sensitive data to him and other clients.

A Straightforward Solution

Although Mailock offers an in-depth email security system to its users, Fair Deal Mortgages report that ease of use has not been sacrificed in the slightest.

Mailock was a pain-free addition to their current processes, with Craig revealing that he has never needed to seek further support, as the solution ‘does what it says on the tin’.

He also explains that using a secure email software has provided his business and clients with a simpler alternative to customer portals, finding Mailock easy to integrate with their pre-existing platforms, especially when using the Outlook Add-in.

"I think Mailock is a great product. It shows professionalism with my clients, and they are happy to communicate with it. It’s easy to use, it’s secure, and especially with GDPR and today’s world that we live in, where people regularly steal confidential information, it's 100% something that is positive for my business."

— Craig Esplin, Mortgage & Protection Adviser

Securing Your Business

Are you interested in discovering more about the security functionalities that Mailock can bring to your business? Start your trial today.

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Deliver sensitive information securely with Mailock

Reviewed By:

Sabrina McClune, 05.06.24

Sam Kendall, 05.06.24

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