Estate & Lettings

Secure email for

estate agencies

Deliver confidential information

Exchange sensitive messages and documents with clients easily and securely. Comply with UK data protection regulation.

Real estate agency secure email

The risks

Are you protecting

your client data?

Estate agencies handle sensitive personal information every day, including addresses, bank details, and passport information. Sending this information over email doesn't just put client data in jeopardy, it's a risk to your business.

Estate agency survey in new home
Typing on a laptop at night


Information sent over email can easily be intercepted or manipulated, even if it's password protected.

Laptop mistake at work

Human error

Sending a confidential email to the wrong person is a common occurrence, especially in the age of autofill.

Serious meeting about fines

Regulatory fines

The Information Commissioner's Office can impose fines up to £17million for failing to protect sensitive data.

The research

1 in 5 consumers report estate agency failings

Despite strict UK laws around data protection, our research shows 19% of consumers have been asked to share personal information over email with estate agents. For FCA-regulated firms, new Consumer Duty guidance will require they provide the support clients need to communicate with them securely.

Street interview with consumer

The options

What's the alternative?

There are alternatives to email for exchanging confidential information. Are they working?

doing the bills in the kitchen

Print and post

Many agencies still deliver documents by tracked post, adding days onto client processes. Post is also expensive - both in terms of cost and carbon impact.

using a customer portal in the lounge

Client portals

Client portals are a secure way to store confidential files but many find clients don't want to have to log in to pick them up. Maintenance can also be a hassle.

The solution

There has to be

a better way...

Email securely with Mailock

Mailock secures your emails so you can deliver confidential information securely, without worrying about the risks.

  • Encrypt sensitive data
  • Verify recipients for access
  • Provide free secure replies
Mobile Challenges Mailock Pro

Secure email,
made to connect

Mailock secure email helps estate agencies deliver information securely and maintain FCA/ICO compliance.

Real estate agent with clients
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Protect data

ICO and FCA guidance stipulates that sensitive data should be encrypted in transit and at rest. Mailock protects your confidential emails with advanced AES-256 ciphers that make data unreadable to malicious actors.

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Prevent error

The #1 cause of a data breach is human error. Mailock recognises confidential data and reminds you to send it securely, it allows you to set recipient identity challenges, and revoke sent messages as a last resort.

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Drive engagement

In a digital world, clients expect information now, and research shows their overwhelming preference for email over other channels. With over 80% open rates, Mailock makes sure your confidential comms opened.

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Cut costs

Delivery costs rose by almost 20% during 2022, and paper costs aren't going down either. Companies are seeing huge savings (in cost and carbon) from switching their print and post output to secure digital delivery.


It's a no-brainer!

It’s the ability to send information quickly and easily that adds credibility to our proposition.

 Ben Allen  The Right Mortgage
Financial Services CEO Sitting On Wall With City Backdrop Smiling On Phone With Laptop (1) (1)
Man sitting at computer at night smiling at screen with secure email

Take the next step

Compare plans

Compare our simple pricing plans to find the right secure email package for your business.