Use Case: Portals

Immediately deliver portal documents using secure email

Nobody wants to be forced to ‘log in online’ to get their information. Drive engagement by delivering documents from your portal to email inboxes, securely.

Professionals reviewing customer portal system

Cater to customers'

channel of choice

Customer portals can boost efficiency and client retention when the information they hold is worth logging in for. However, this isn’t always the case. With Mailock, you can deliver information using your customers’ preferred channel, email, for prompt delivery and multi-channel engagement.

Woman holding head in front of laptop stressed with digital fatigue coloured (1)-1-1

Key statistics

Woman at home using portal on laptop

Portal usage

Despite most people having access to at least one portal, regular engagement with them is low. The average consumer has over 119 online accounts, and your portal is one of many fighting for attention.

Customer angry with password problems

A password, a problem

20% of people have to reset logins weekly - we're all tired of friction. Putting content behind a login when it could be delivered in more accessible ways can generate frustration and reduce response rates.

Man using email on his computer in office sending secure email

Remember email?!

The fact is, we all prefer to receive important communications by email - and we'll respond accordingly. 60% of respondents to our consumer survey said they would prefer to receive email communications.

Deliver documents where they will get picked up

Securely deliver information by email, using identity checks to reach the right people. Drive higher engagement for documents and static information, and signpost customers to your portal for more interactive functions.

Mailock secure email being received by a customer
Paragon Logo
Aegon Logo
Royal London logo
Origo logo
Equiniti EQ Logo
abrdn logo
Encryption icon


Deliver emails and attachments with robust end-to-end AES-256 encryption.
Customer focus icon


Authenticate recipients using challenges including email verification, SMS code, question-and-answer, and Unipass.
Schedule icon


Timestamped audit trails track message opens, clicks, and downloads for proof-of-delivery and recording.
Revoke icon

Message revoke

Use admin controls or our API to revoke messages individually/in bulk.
Industry icon

Automated delivery

Deliver automated secure email at volume with full queueing and MI/BI reporting.
Branding icon

Company branding

Customise our web app and notifications for a branded recipient experience.

For your business...

Colleagues in office meeting about secure email-1
Document icon purple

Fully compliant

Comply with FCA/ICO requirements to encrypt sensitive data and record proof-of-delivery.

Conversation icon purple

High response rates

Deliver to the inbox, where your customers will respond. Mailock generates open rates over 80%.

Encrypted connections icon purple

Easy integration

Integrate with Outlook/M365 alongside your CRM, antivirus, and server-side signature tools.

Finance icon purple

Managed service

Use our managed cloud service or host the Mailock software on-site with our support.

For your customers...

A secure thread
to your business

Share the power to email securely

It’s not enough to protect information one way. Mailock makes it easy for customers to securely reply to your emails.

ML Pro Recipient Response Min

Easy to use

Excellent service as always. Very easy to use. Well done Beyond Encryption!

Kim profile photo

Excellent service

My query was dealt with efficiently & promptly. You were very patient!

Clarissa profile photo

Safe & secure

Fast - and good to know my details are safe. Easy for me to work out.

James profile photo

Related media

Woman holding head in front of laptop stressed with digital fatigue coloured (1)-1-1-2


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Case study

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As a small business, Thanks Wealth Planning enjoy having the flexibility to offer both a customer portal and secure email solution, giving each individual a choice on which communication to use.

Group of colleagues in office high fiving

Next steps

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Take a look at our subscription plans to see how Mailock could work for your business.