Mailock For Providers

Secure email for

financial providers

Deliver confidential information to customers using the secure email solution designed for financial services.

  • FCA and ICO compliant secure email
  • API and automated bulk delivery
  • Simple B2B information exchange
Digital delivery for financial providers
Paragon Logo
Aegon Logo
Royal London logo
Origo logo
Equiniti EQ Logo
abrdn logo

Digital transformation

95% savings on

print and post

Protect data and your bottom line

Transformation is top of the agenda but print and post are still embedded when it comes to confidential data. With rising postal costs and increasing delays, digitising sensitive comms can have significant bottom line impact.

Man writing sensitive information on paper

Customer choice

Drive action with

80% open rates

Deliver where you'll get a response

Consumers prefer to use email when they deal with businesses but without protection it isn't secure. Mailock empowers your contact staff and customers to exchange sensitive information safely and easily.

Male colleagues discussing engagement metrics in corporate setting

Portal usage

3 clicks to what

customers need

Push data to pull portal users

Organisations have developed digital portals to deliver on the immediacy customers expect, only to be met with low uptake. By engaging people at their email inbox, Mailock draws people into your customer portal.

Male professional thinking by laptop


Regulatory guidance

Do right by customers and data regulators.

Encrypt personal information (GDPR)

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) and Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) require businesses to encrypt sensitive data transferred digitally. The ICO can levy fines of up to £17m for non-compliance (or 4% of turnover).

Record proof-of-delivery (MIFID II)

All businesses should record digital communications and retain proof-of-delivery to align with ICO guidance. Proof-of-receipt is also required by the FCA for certain types of document (e.g., KIDs).

Protect customers (Consumer Duty)

Are you encouraging customers to send their information into your business unsecured? The FCA's Consumer Duty is a mandate to provide easy-to-understand communications and protect customers from financial harm.

Download the financial services email compliance fact sheet


We've saved 270
tonnes of CO2!

This dramatic reduction in the need to print and post important paperwork is one of the key ways companies can make carbon savings in their day-to-day operations.

 Ronnie Taylor  CDO, Aegon
CEO and team meeting to discuss bottom line savings potential from digital recorded delivery

A trusted community

Connecting the financial services

Mailock is designed to enable a closer digital connection - between providers, platforms, advisers, and customers.

Each relationship requires a different type of verification, engagement, and compliance. By adapting to these relationships, Mailock doesn't just provide security without compromising user experience, it turns user experience into a security advantage.

Our financial services ecosystem
Finance icon

Fully managed

Use our fully managed cloud service, or let us support you step-by-step as you deploy on-premise.

Partnership icon

FCA compliant

Record audit trails for all message activity. FCA guidance says auditable comms are essential.

Roadmap icon

Zero friction

Deploy Mailock alongside your CRM, antivirus, server-side signature, and data loss prevention (DLP).
Schedule icon

Policy adaptable

Set up custom encryption triggers and user alerts to tailor Mailock to your business' infosec priorities.
Choice icon

Admin configurable

Configure how security is initiated by Mailock system users (manual and automated options available).
Integration icon

Flexible control

Use the Mailock API for revocation, audit trails, MI/BI analytics, and automated bulk delivery.

The recipient experience


1. Receive

Recipients receive a notification in their inbox.

Secure message arriving in an inbox

2. Identify

If an authentication challenge is set, they'll need to pass it to unlock the message.

Recipients click ‘Open’ on the digital envelope delivered to their inbox to start the Mailock browser app

3. Reply

They can then read and reply securely, attaching any files before hitting 'send'.

Secure read in Mailock web app
Secure message arriving in an inbox
Recipients click ‘Open’ on the digital envelope delivered to their inbox to start the Mailock browser app
Secure read in Mailock web app
Team doing plastic cleanup and bumping elbows

Hit ESG goals

Strengthen your environmental, social, and governance proposition. Businesses with strong ESG goals achieve higher equity returns and reductions in bottom-line risk.

budget meeting with financial controller explaining cost cutting initiatives

Cut ops costs

Over 9.5 billion documents are sent in the UK each year. In the UK financial services industry alone, digitising a portion of print and post operations could save £1.3 bn.

Man anxious about having sent unsecured email

Protect data

The most common cause of data exposure is sending an email to the wrong person. Cover your staff and any sensitive information you send with message revoke.

Time to change campaign cover image

Impact monitoring

Assess your

carbon impact

See how much carbon (and cost) you could save by switching to secure email.

Content Feed

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